Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Yes, I'm feeling much better and it's worth SHOUTING about! After months of one kick in the patoot after another, I'm finally back to myself again. I'm not even on pain meds and I'm ready to dance a jig. WOOO HOOO!

After so many months of wanting to do this project or that and having to wait, wait, wait till I'm better, now I'm so busy busy busy doing all the things I wanted to do all those months. Yippeee!

On Sunday Bob built me a Square-Foot-Garden. If you've never heard of it, check it out. I won't bore you with all the details, but the essential premise is a 4 foot by 4 foot garden is about all the average family needs because of the manner in which you grow things -- much closer and some things (like melons) are grown vertically. Mel Bartholomew wrote the book and I read it about 15 years ago and have been wanting to do a square-foot-garden ever since. One thing or another always seemed to get in the way, but --TA DA!!-- now I've got one! We've got it planned down to the inch. As soon as I have real green things to show you (besides the "volunteer" killer tomato plants) I'll add a picture.

Also on Sunday, I had a brainstorm. I use large black felt circles between each Calphalon and/or Teflon pan. As I was putting a pan away, I suddenly remembered an embroidery pattern I have. I grabbed the felt circle, headed for my sewing machine and this is the result. I think it's kind of neat!

This is a close-up of the design. I added a red J and thought it looked pretty good. Whatcha think?

I spent about 4 hours yesterday mastering AutoPunch software. That's the software that allows me to turn clip-art (or drawings) into embroidery designs. It nearly whupped my butt. Nevertheless, I DID IT! I practiced several hours this morning and I think I'm getting pretty good at it. As soon as I've actually used one of my new designs, I'll post it.

Gotta go for now. I'm so thankful to be feeling better ... and I'm thankful Bob is healthy ... and I'm even thankful to be on a sensible eating and exercise plan ... and I'm soooo thankful I'm not missing out on summer anymore.

Now where did I put my glass of ice tea?

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