Thursday, July 17, 2008

I had a great visit with Jeanie today. We spent some time at her house -- wonderful girl talk over sandwiches -- music, talking, checking out the jewelry she's collecting to sell at her booth.
Then we went to a bookstore called the BookSatchel. I LOVE the name. Only people of a certain age would remember what a book satchel IS -- for those who are much younger, it's the baby boomer equivalent of a backpack -- and I found the name and the store both quite charming. Jeanie and I both bought a few books and we each got a book about native Texas wildflowers. It has pictures of the flowers all arranged by color. So maybe I can finally figure out what those dark purple lily-looking things in the cow pasture are.

Then we went to visit Aunt Jackie. She's 88 now and makes our short little Jeanie look tall! She's so funny -- lively and sweet and generous to a fault. She wasn't happy till I had a bagful of goodies to take home with me and a doll for Jeanie to add to her collection. I snapped a couple of pictures before we left. I loved seeing Aunt Jackie so much. I want to be just like her when I grow up -- peppy, sassy and sweet!

We went out to the Indian Creek Cemetery and had a wonderful talk. Then we drove out past Seybold. Sad to say the old foreman's house (aka the Brooks house) is gone. But I love the country out there -- prickly pear growing on the side of the road, cedar trees mingling with other native trees, and just a hint that the Brazos River is .... right over there somewhere. It always feels like home in my heart.

Altogether a lovely day. Can't wait to repeat it.

On a completely different note, regarding our "new" boat, Bob is off tomorrow and we'll be washing sails, checking rigging and getting her ready to sail on Saturday. WOOOOO HOOOOOO! Can't wait!

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